Eike Treanor

Play Therapist  - Teenager Counsellor - Creative Arts & Play Therapist Supervisor

After working with children for over 20 years, in several different fields, I decided to elaborate on my undergraduate degree in Psychology and study Play Therapy.

I have continued my education and studied further in the field of Teen Counselling and qualified as creative arts and play therapist Supervisor.

Working as a play therapist requires a lot of different skills. Being able to listen when there are no words spoken, begin there to offer support when none is requested. Giving space and reflection so a child is able to resolve and process themselves. Understanding the emotional needs of a child and giving them the opportunity to communicate and express themselves.

Play therapy is not just play, it reveals the child’s internal emotional world and offers them a way to express themselves and be heard and understood.

Working with Teenagers, allows me to be the sound board and safe space for them to explore their emotions and learn to express themselves in a new and difficult world. 

This allows me to continue working with some clients who feel they need more support and have already built a relationship in the past.



I'm Eike, I have the best job in the world, I get to spend my days playing. I spend lots of time playing, with lots of different children, including children just like you. Its my job to help children to feel happy again, and I do that just by playing.

I have room that is filled of toys, puppets, games, sand, clay, paint, and much much more. Boys and girls of all ages come to the playroom, some just want to play, and some just talk, and some don’t talk at all. It can be very loud, or very quiet, but everyone who comes her gets to play in their own way. It is your time and you can use in a way that you enjoy.

Someone who cares about you a whole lot wants you to be happy, so they thought that if you came to see me, it might help you, whether your feeling sad, scared worried, angry or just not yourself.

In the playroom, you choose how to play and what you want to play with, I can join in with you if you want me to, but only if you want me to. Sometimes if your not sure, I can give you a little help to choose something. But remember the whole time we are in the playroom, I will keep you, me and all the toys safe.

Anything you tell me in the playroom, will remain between us, the only time I will tell anyone about what happens in the playroom is if you tell me something that lets me know you are not safe, that you are being hurt or someone is hurting you.

You will come once week, at the same time and day, one that works for you. And you'll come for a few weeks at first and then we'll decide if you need to stay longer. We can decide how many when we meet.

I look forward to meeting you.


Play is the language of children.

Play therapy is an evidence based treatment approach that uses the medium of play to allow the child to communicate how they feel, and express themselves. The concept of play therapy can be hard for grown up’s to understand as often no words are spoken and only actions are played out in the playroom.

The first step is building a non-judgmental environment in the playroom, creating some boundaries, and developing a trusting relationship between the child and therapist. Through this relationship growth often occurs this is known as a therapeutic relationship.   A child maybe stuck at a developmental phase, because of something going on in their lives, play therapy can help them get back on track and teach them how to be happy and well adjusted.

I offer the following services:


  • 1 to 1 play therapy with individuals


  • Small group play therapy


  • Supervision for Creative Arts and Play Therapist


  • Yoga for Kids (to help with regulation)


  • Mindfulness workshops for Adults


  • Mindfulness workshops for Kids

If you have any further questions or wish to discuss treatment options please get in touch.


After an initial consultation session, without the child present, details are taken and an overview of the child’s developmental history and difficulties are discussed. And emotional support can be put in place for parents also if this is deemed necessary.
Then an introductory meeting with the child is set up, and sessions can begin.
Each session is 40 minute’s.

This is different for each child. Play therapy is not a quick fix and each child may respond differently. And require more or less time to resolve and process what is going on in their world. As a general guide, an initial 12 sessions are set up and a review takes place after 10 and further sessions maybe suggested. Some children may attend for longer periods while others finish up after their 12 sessions. Some children return several times over the years to process different issues as they have found play therapy has worked so well for them.

When telling your child about Play Therapy, suggest that it is a special place to go and play when it is difficult to talk about your feelings, it can help “when things are hard for you at home, at school or with your friends and you find it difficult to talk” You can explain to your child that they will be spending some time every week in a special playroom where there will be lots of toys and different mediums for them to play with and where they can have fun and express themselves.

Ready to find out more?

Please get in touch, and we can schedule our first appointment….